Our Story


Welcome to Our Story℠, an innovative communications initiative at Clare-Gladwin RESD in partnership with Saginaw Intermediate School District (ISD). Saginaw ISD developed Our Story℠ to elevate educational narrative through the power of collective authorship. Using our Thrillshare application, every staff member has the platform to contribute their unique voice, insights, and experiences, thereby painting a fuller, richer picture of who we are as a community. More than a storytelling exercise, this initiative aims to harness the principles of positive psychology to uplift our organizational culture, inspiring greater positivity and a stronger sense of community among our staff. By sharing our individual journeys, we come together to write a shared story that embodies the values, aspirations, and spirit of Clare-Gladwin RESD.

Join us by sharing daily positive experiences through real-time social media updates and the Live Feed section of the organization's website and help us tell - Our Story.℠



CGRESD provides its team members a professional development opportunity to not only tell Our Story℠ but become certified authors for our organization.

  • Watch the training video: Start by watching the training video provided by CGRESD. This video will guide you on how to download and log in to the Thrillshare platform. It will also show you how to use the platform through either the mobile app or desktop access to share positive stories in real-time at CGRESD.

  • Utilize CGRESD communication platforms: Once you have successfully completed the video, you will be designated as a CGRESD organization author. As an certified author, you gain access to CGRESD's communication platforms, and you can begin sharing positive stories in real-time for the organization.*

*NOTE: All submissions will be reviewed by the Communication Director before being published. This step ensures that the messaging remains consistent and aligned with the organization's communication objectives, allowing us to present a cohesive message to our audience.




Go to www.thrillshare.com or download the application on your mobile device.


Log in using your Clare-Gladwin RESD email and password or by clicking "log in with Google" (you may have a two-factor authentication at this point).


If you haven't already, please upload a profile photo by clicking on your name in the right-hand corner and clicking the pencil next to your name. You also need to upload a photo under the "profiles" section of this same page. This feature is only available on the desktop version of Thrillshare.


To start your first positive storytelling post, we will need you to head to the "media" section of your menu and click Live Feed if you're on your desktop or just Live Feed for the app version.


Once you're on Live Feed, you can create your post by typing in the message box or clicking the red plus sign on the app version. For the desktop, you can go ahead and start, but for the app, you will need to click Facebook and Live Feed until they are purple.


Now let's get to maybe the best part, the photos! On your mobile device, you will click the small picture icon, or on the desktop, you will click "upload an image" this will send you to your photo album on your device or your downloads folder on your desktop.


You can then choose up to ten photos you would like to post. Once your photos are uploaded, you must choose an alternate text for each photo. This is a part of the Americans with Disabilities Act and keeps our posts accessible to everyone in our community.


Once that is done, you are ready to press "publish" this then goes to a moderator to double check, which then can be edited if needed, and then approved!



Posting your positive experiences, stories, and celebrations on social media on behalf of the CGRESD will help create a positive brand image, increase stakeholder engagement, and cultivate a strong sense of pride and community among employees.

Help tell Our Story℠