Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Jennifer Fritton
TC / Orientation & Mobility
Special Education
Jennifer Topham
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Jennifer Walraven
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Jessica Melchi
School Social Worker
Special Education
Joann Smylie
School Psychologist
Special Education
Josh Higgins
SCI Teacher
Area School
Karen Clauss
TC /Deaf /Hard of Hearing
Special Education
Kathleen Nordrum
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Katie Knapp-Wyman
Transition Compliance Coordinator/Transition Coordinator
Special Education
Kelsey Henry
School Social Worker
Special Education
Lisa Cooper
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Mallorie Harmon
Speech Facilitator
Special Education
Marsha Shields
School Psychologist
Special Education
Mary VensAnderson
School Social Worker
Special Education
Matthew Smith
School Psychologist
Special Education
Michael Simon
Assistant Superintendent of Special Education
Special Education
Michele Millhouse
School Psychologist Ext.
Special Education
Paige Homan
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Rebecca Wright
TC /Visually Impaired
Special Education
Shanna Graham
Speech Pathologist
Special Education