Local community members gather for "Thriving Together," a Developmental Assets Forum focused on building lasting solutions for a stronger future for youth in Clare county. #CGRESD #OurStory
4 months ago, Clare-Gladwin RESD
Thriving Together Forum
Thriving Together Forum
Honoring and thanking all who served. Happy Veterans Day!
4 months ago, Barbara Cataldo
The P.A.L. Family Coalition attended the 32nd Annual Parenting Awareness Michigan (P.A.M.) Conference in Lansing on Friday, November 8th. They had discussions, networked, and attended presentations on supporting strong families, resiliency, family engagement, healthy sleep, and drug trends. #CGRESD #OurStory
4 months ago, SARAH MCCURDY
P.A.L Family Coalition
Jenna Zelkowski, Speech-Language Pathologist, was recognized by Harrison School District for exemplifying their Guiding Belief of Honesty. Jenna is open and honest when supporting the families and her team. She goes above and beyond each day to help students find their voice. Those who work with Jenna were asked to describe her in one word. Check out the word collage to see all the wonderful traits Jenna’s colleagues used to describe her! The CGRESD is fortunate to have her as part of the team! #CGRESD #OurStory #SLP
4 months ago, ALISON CATALDO
Staff member receiving award
Words describing Jenna
Explore the Clare-Gladwin Great Start website and Facebook page at www.ClareGladwinGreatStart.com and www.Facebook.com/CGParentNetwork for free, family-friendly events happening in your community! #CGRESD #OurStory #ClareGladwinGreatStart
4 months ago, Clare-Gladwin RESD
Clare Gladwin Great Start facebook and websit
The Clare-Gladwin Regional Education Service District (CGRESD) and Area School would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Beverly Grice for her many years of dedicated service as a Paraeducator. Her commitment and compassion have made a lasting impact on the students, staff, and families she has worked with. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors. #CGRESD #Areaschool #OurStory
4 months ago, Clare-Gladwin RESD
Beverly Grice
Harrison High recently hosted the REMC Maker Roadshow with REMC Director Joe Trommater. During the event, Harrison High students set a new record in the REMC 5 Maker Challenge by constructing the tallest free-standing tower using only 25 Keva planks. The new height to beat stands at 113 cm! #CGRESD #OurStory #REMC5
4 months ago, Joe Trommater
Harrison High Student with the tallest Keva Plank Tower
Just a friendly reminder that Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Please remember to vote! Every vote counts! #Electionday #Vote
4 months ago, Barbara Cataldo
Remember to Vote
Co-treating and playgroups are offered as part of our services at CGRESD. Occupational and speech-language therapists work together to help with regulation and communication. Extra hands-to-model skills, like communication, are beneficial. This team, paired with our teacher consultants and the children's adults, looks forward to working and playing together weekly! #CGRESD #OurStory
4 months ago, JENNA ZELKOWSKI
Happy Halloween from the Gladwin Itinerant Team! 🎃 #CGRESD #OurStory
4 months ago, BARBARA TYLER
Gladwin Itinerant Hallway
Picture with a cow
Elementary Speech- Language
Elementary and Preschool Occupational Therapy
Everyone needs a cow hug
Our Hallway
Preschool and Early- On Speech- Language
Have A Good Night
Elementary Social Worker and Early-On Speech-Language
Beaverton itinerant and staff enjoyed dressing up for Halloween! A sensory friendly trick-or-treating took place to experience trick-or-treating in a safe and familiar environment while practicing Halloween traditions! Happy Halloween! 🎃 #CGRESD #TrickorTreating #Halloween #OurStory
4 months ago, Summer Ward
Care Bears
trick or treating
trick or treating
trick or treating
Gladwin Elementary students are diving into the world of sensory learning as they decorate cookies and play in pumpkin guts. Their tiny hands are marveling at the messy magic of fall! #CGRESD #sensoryplay #sensorylearning #OurStory
4 months ago, ALISON CATALDO
table activity
speech table top activity
social work activity
CGRESD Itinerant Staff at Gladwin Elementary participated in Walking Wednesday with a scenic stroll to the local coffee shop and back.. #WellnessWednesday #CGRESD #OurStory
4 months ago, ALISON CATALDO
Walking Wednesday
fall leaves
Students at Beaverton Elementary created ghosts using string and glue during speech and OT sessions, while modeling AAC with the LAMP approach throughout the craft! #AAC #Spookycraft #OURSTORY
4 months ago, Summer Ward
Student’s ghost craft
Crafting with AAC
Students from Beaverton, Farwell, Fulton, Harrison, Mt. Pleasant, Sacred Heart Academy, and Shepherd recently participated in various STEM challenges during the REMC 5 Maker Roadshow, led by Director Joe Trommater. The hands-on activities included programming robots, designing game controllers from found objects, and constructing the heaviest tower balanced on just two blocks. Sacred Heart Academy’s 5th grade class set a new record by using every available block. Looks like it’s time to stock up on more blocks! #REMC5 #STEM #CGRESD #OurStory
4 months ago, Joe Trommater
students programming the Indi robot in an endless loop
A student using lights as controllers for a game
SHA tower with all 323 blocks
Students programming the Sphero Indi robot
A tower at Shepherd with 150 blocks
The Great Lakes Bay Supplemental Math Project brought regional educators together for a day of learning around instructional coaching with Jennifer Hlavka from Jim Knight's Instructional Coaching Group. #OurStory #GLBSMP #CGRESD
4 months ago, MICHELLE SPAYD
Teachers learning about instructional coaching
Our friends at Beaverton Elementary enjoying the Halloween sensory bin during therapy! #CGRESD #sensory #ourstory
5 months ago, Summer Ward
Halloween sensory bin
Katie Knapp-Wyman, CGRESD Special Education Supervisor and Transition Coordinator, co-hosted the Region 1 Transition Workshop alongside the Region 1 Transition Coordinators. The workshop brought together 60 participants to explore the Positive Personal Profile as a transition assessment and gain insights into Work-Based Learning (WBL). #CGRESD #OurStory
5 months ago, Katie Knapp-Wyman
Pictured is the Transition Team from Northwest Education presenting on  WBL.
OCTOBER is National Physical Therapy Month! - Clare-Gladwin RESD extends our heartfelt gratitude to Teri Walter, Physical Therapist, and Stacy Davis, Physical Therapist Assistant, for their dedication and hard work. #CGRESD #OurStory ##NationalPhysicalTherapyMonth
5 months ago, Clare-Gladwin RESD
OCTOBER is National Physical Therapy Month
October is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) awareness month! These quick and easy low tech AAC allow our students to communicate during trick or treating! #CGRESD #OurStory ##aacawarenessmonth
5 months ago, Summer Ward
Trick or Treat AAC