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Joanna Krell
Area School Para Educator
Area School
Joe Trommater
Director of General Education
General Education Instructional Services
Joel Papenfus
Technology Coordinator Farwell
Technology Services
Josh Higgins
SCI Teacher
Area School
Josh Myers
Construction Trades Instructor
Career & Technical Education
Josie Brooks
Accounting Supervisor
Administrative Services
Joy Adkins
Area School Para Educator
Area School
Karen Clauss
TC /Deaf /Hard of Hearing
Special Education
Kate VanBuskirk
Pupil Auditor
Pupil Accounting
Kathleen Nordrum
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Katie Knapp-Wyman
Transition Compliance Coordinator/Transition Coordinator
Special Education
Kayla Bradford
Area School Para Educator
Area School
Kelly Humphrey
SPARKS Co-Director
Kelsey Henry
School Social Worker
Special Education
Ken Chinavare
Director of Technology and Operations CGRESD
Technology Services
Kendra Curtiss-Tomaski
Early Childhood /Family Services Director
Early Childhood and Family Services
Keri Retzloff
LA Consultant /Early Literacy Coach /General Education Coordinator
General Education Instructional Services
Kevin Smalley
Senior Technology Coordinator CGRESD
Technology Services
Larry Curtis
Math Consultant
Career & Technical Education
LeAnne Badger
Paraeducator / Criminal Justice & Digital Media
Career & Technical Education