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Linda Stachowiak
Early Literacy Coach
General Education Instructional Services
Lindsey Murphy
Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Career & Technical Education
Lisa Burgess
Pupil Accounting Auditor
Pupil Accounting
Lisa Cooper
Speech Pathologist
Special Education
Lou Adams
Board Secretary
Board of Education
Lynn Murton
Paraeducator/Health Occupations
Career & Technical Education
Mallorie Harmon
Speech Facilitator
Special Education
Margie Dill
CTE Counselor
Career & Technical Education
Marsha Shields
School Psychologist
Special Education
Mary Orloski
Teacher Transition Program
Area School
Mary Pitchford
Pupil Accounting Auditor
Pupil Accounting
Mary VensAnderson
School Social Worker
Special Education
Matt Shefferly
Technology Coordinator Gladwin
Technology Services
Matthew Smith
School Psychologist
Special Education
Mia Fetzer
Area School Para Educator
Area School
Michael Roaten
Area School Para Educator
Area School
Michael Simon
Assistant Superintendent of Special Education
Special Education
Michele Millhouse
School Psychologist Ext.
Special Education
Nick Blackmer
MMC /CTE Welding Instructor
Career & Technical Education
Nick Winter
Whole Child Coordinator
General Education Instructional Services